What I am Passionate about….

I love linking up with my favorite wordsmith Deb for Wednesday Word!


Today’s word is : Passionate

showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief

I’m most passionate about:
-My family
-My friends
-Working Out
-Living Well

My passion for my family consumes me everyday! All that I do, I do for them especially my kids. I want them to have everything they need and a few things that they want too ;). My passion to have them participate in sports at a competitive level has me busting my tail to financially be able to pay for their activities. My passion to be a good sister means I am always available to lend a hand or an ear. My passion as a daughter is to always be available to my parents and to always thank them for all they have done and continue to do for me.

My passion for my friends is my commitment to always be the friend to them that I would want them to be to me. I am know as the tough love friend-they don’t always want to hear what I have to say but at the end of the day, they are glad that I did.

My passion for working out has me waking up in the 5am hour 6 days a week in order to workout before the family starts moving and needs my focus and attention. This is a huge sacrifice for me because I love my warm cozy Sleep Number bed AND I am not a morning person. I know that if I don’t wake up early to workout, it will not happen and so I am passionate about waking up early to do it.

My passion for running is a new found passion. 3 years ago I would never have imaged that I would have run anything over a 5K much less paying to run in races! Boy have times changed! I have run and paid for numerous races ranging from 5ks-half marathons. I am passionate about learning to become a better, faster and injury free runner. I find myself reading books and articles about running, asking questions about running and meeting new runners everyday and soaking up all that they have to offer and are willing to share with me. I LOVE IT! #iamarunner

My passion for Living Well encompasses so many aspects of my life from the workouts that I do, to the foods that I eat, to the healthy fit example that I set for my children. I love seeing how my passion to Live Well has spilled over to my children. It is the cutest thing to see and hear my children reading food labels. ‘Mommy this has this amount of fat and this amount of protein-I think this is healthy/not healthy for us’. The first time they said this to me, I was smiling so hard and my heart swelled with pride.
My passion for living well also has me not sweating the small stuff. Stress has caused me to have health issues in the past and I have vowed to not allow that to happen again. I am passionate about living in the moment and giving power/control to things that help me achieve balance and Living We’ll.

I have been criticized for being too passionate about health and fitness but I just brush that off as them not being as passionate as I am-and that is OK!


What are you passionate about ?

This post was written on the WordPress App, please excuse any errors or formatting mistakes.

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10 thoughts on “What I am Passionate about….

  1. Chocolaterunsjudy says:

    I wish my mom had been as passionate about living well! Your children may not always thank you for it as they grow up, but eventually they will appreciate it.

    Here’s to a great Ragnar this weekend! I hope you don’t have to get too wet.

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      Yeah-my mom too…she had a massive heart attack 2 years ago (survived)…triple bypass a year ago but remains less active and it drives me crazy!!!

      Thanks….So mad about this dang rain!!!! I do not do well with running in the rain 😦


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