My 1st Mom report card-Fall 2015

Anyone who knows me, knows that my kids are my world.  You hear it all the time…everything I do…I do for them! Yup I am one of those moms and proud of it. I love being a mom!

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Growing up, I never in a thousand years would have dreamed that I would be the one married and with kids.  This was never my dream! I was not one of those girls who dreamed of being married at 27, having a husband, 2 kids and a pet…yet here I am! I didn’t get married until I was in my early 30s but still, I am living what many girls dreamed of their whole childhood.

When I became a wife, I knew that I would have my hands full and go through many trials and errors to be a ‘good’ wife.  This continues to be the case 9 years into this thing called marriage.   Marriage is hard work. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a wife but I just don’t know how good I am at it…you would probably have to ask me husband….on second thought…never mind-don’t ask him-lol!

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When I became a mother, I knew that I would also have many trails and errors but somehow, I knew I could handle them.  Being a mom is something I feel I was born to be. Being a mom is what wakes me up in the mornings, motivates me everyday and sends warm and mushy feeling through my body daily.  I LOVE BEING A MOM!!! Everyday when I hug and kiss my children and tell them I love them, it is so natural. I can’t remember a day that I have not told them I loved them, hugged and kissed them. At night when we say prayers, my prayer and thanks to God is for choosing me to be their mom. When I tell you I love being a mom…..I really do!!

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If I were to give myself a grade on being a mom, I would probably give myself a B+, with room for improvement on managing my frustration, playing just to play and anger and setting a good example for organization.

I thought it would be interesting to see what the grade the kiddies would give me as a mom.  I found this Modern Mom Report Card and although it is geared more towards older children, I thought I would adapt it a bit for my kiddies.

Here we go……My version of the Modern Mom Report Card:

Grading Scale:

Green-always/most times



Graded by AE & MJ: ages 7 and almost 5:

Do I make you feel safe and protected?

MJ- Green


Do I lead by example?


AE: Yellow

Do I teach you how to be organized?

MJ: Yellow


Do I offer you healthy food choices?

MJ: Green

AE: Green

Do I spend quality time with you/play with you?

MJ:  Green

AE: Yellow

Do I teach you the importance of being on time?

MJ: Green

AE: Green

Do I encourage you to try things yourself?

MJ: Green

AE: Green

Do you think that I believe in you?

MJ:  Green

AE: Green

Do I give you privacy/personal space?

MJ: Green

AE: Yellow

When I punish you, is it reasonable and fair?

MJ:  Green

AE: Green

Do I make you feel special?

MJ: Green


Do I keep my word?

MJ: Green

AE: Yellow

Am I fun?

MJ: Green

AE: Green

Do I value your opinion?

MJ:  Green

AE: Yellow

When we are together, do I give you my attention?

MJ: Green

AE: Green

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Things I do well:

MJ: being a nice mom, helping me get dressed.

AE:  being a great mom, help me when I am frustrated, you help us in a nice way.

Things that I need to work on:

MJ: stop screaming at me when I don’t listen to you

AE:  being patient, you are not always that patient, practice stop screaming when the Giants are playing.

Well there you have it.  My first mom report card…..that wasn’t too bad.

I have to admit, I was really nervous as to what they would say.  I feel pretty good about my report card and my efforts at being a good mom to them.


14 thoughts on “My 1st Mom report card-Fall 2015

    • fitballingrunningmom says:


      I always wonder how I am doing as a mom. My friends and parents tell me all the time how awesome the kids are and that they credit it to our parenting but I really wanted to get a kids perspective….I think I will do this twice a year until they get tired of me asking the questions-lol!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Chocolaterunsjudy says:

    I think you definitely hit the high notes with them. Being a mom is a very, very, very hard job — there’s no off time. I can’t even imagine.

    I also did not picture myself as a mom (hello, I am not one), nor did I picture myself being the first of my friends to marry — at 23, no less! But here we are 30 years later (or it will be in a few days, if I don’t kill him first).

    All my relatives always say what a shame it was that I didn’t have kids, that I’d make a great mom . . . maybe yes, probably not, but it’s not a decision I’ve ever regretted.

    I’m a pretty good dog/cat mom though. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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