Cabin Fever and Germs…..

Last Friday and through out the weekend, the DC area got BLASTED by the Blizzard of 2016.  When I say blasted……we got BLASTED!!! In my area of Maryland, we got 36 inches of snow…YES 3 feet of freaking snow!!!

The stillness, quietness and quietness of the snow in the beginning was beautiful. A perfect way to slow down, enjoy the family and of course play in the snow.


The beginning:


We were trying to catch snow flakes-lol!




We had to get out after 5 days….


All smiles getting out the house and enjoying the snow.

I thought Day 5  was going to be our last day in the house. Well after this fun time in the snow and in the sun, my daughter got a bad case of the sniffles, coughs and a low grade fever…..uuugh.   This has equaled to 2 more days in the house.  Tomorrow will make 7 days that we have been in the house….7 freaking days!!! and I am so Freaking over it!!!

-Over the snow;

-Over being in the house;

-Over the ‘family time’ (yeah I said it!!!);

-Over my name being called ( I am changing my name!!!);

-Over hearing the kids fighting (although them making up is so cute);

-Over getting the emails and the text saying that schools are closed AGAIN;

-Over all day entertaining of the kids;

-Over Netflix, You Tube;



I never believed that cabin fever was real but I tell you…..I AM A BELIEVER!!!!


  1. informal
    irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter.


At this point, I am cranky, moody and I don’t even want to be around myself!!! Thankfully, since I workout at home, I have been able to get some good workouts in to relieve some of these strong feelings.


I was hoping to get out today for a run but that didn’t happen and tomorrow I will have to miss yoga because of a meeting :(…not a happy camper…I feel my bad mood/feelings coming back.  Hopefully I can get a run in this weekend. My planned race for Sunday, is  rescheduled due to the snow.

I am getting out this D@#@ house tomorrow…I tell you one thing!!!



Did you get blasted by the Blizzard of 2016? How have you handled it? Tell me I am not the only one losing it?


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Are you joining me at any of the Zooma runs? If so, don’t forget to use TAMIEKA16 for 10% off.


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10 thoughts on “Cabin Fever and Germs…..

  1. Chocolaterunsjudy says:

    That really sucks!

    Yes, cabin fever is real. I used to live in VT, remember, where it’s not only snowy it’s COLD.

    And in TX, it’s cabin fever in the summer, because it’s 95+ from May through Oct and humid (think DC on steroids!).

    I hope you can get out there soon!

    Liked by 1 person

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