Training for Tuesday….May goal reveiw-June goal setting.

training for Tuesday

It’s the last Tuesday of the month and I am happy to link-up with  Alyssa  and Tracy and for Training for Tuesday.

For those of you unfamiliar with Training for Tuesday here is what Alyssa posts on her page:

Training for Tuesday is a monthly health, fitness, and wellness goal linkup hosted by myself and Tracy of A Change of Pace. On the last Tuesday of every month, we welcome runners, yogis, cross-fitters, weight-lifters, cyclists, swimmers, walkers, weight-loss strivers, and everyone else to join us in posting about your recent training wins and woes.

Make sure to stop by and see what other folks are up to.

I mean really where is the time going! It is half way through 2015 and I feel like the year just started!!!

It is funny how my life and time flies based on training programs for either running or weight training…all in 12 week periods.

On Saturday, I will be running my last long race until the Fall.  I am excited and anxious about my race but overall I feel prepared and ready! Zooma here I come!!

Overall, I think I did ok with my training both running and weight training. Weight training is still in need of some improvement and June and July will make up for it as I will be reducing my running significantly and increasing weight training and HITT Sessions.

Ok Let’s look at my adjusted May goals-I did a May goal mid month check in and tweaked a few things.

My May goals were:

-Continue training for Zooma  while reducing running from 3 times a week each week to running 2 times and 3 times alternating weeks- Goal Reached!

-Begin lubrication injections in my knee to reduce arthritis discomforts.-Goal Reached!

-Weight training days at a minimum to 2 days a week- Goal not reached.

-Eliminate processed food and carbs- Goal semi-reached.

-Drink 2.5 gallons of water a week.- Goal reached!

-Look into a yoga studio in the area.-Goal reached!

I would give myself a B+ for this month goals.  Good Job Tamieka!

As I will be concluding long run training June will be focused on improving and monitoring my eating and weight training.

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My June Goals

Whole 30.  I have participated in the whole 30 program often with a few exceptions and/or while training for a half.  My results have been different each time from just noticeable to some thinking I looked too slender.  As I am reducing my running and increasing my weight training and  HIIT sessions, I am interested to see how my body will respond to it. There is limit temptation for me in June as well so that should help with staying true to the program.

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Reduce running to 2 times a week. One mid week run up to 4 miles and 1 weekend long run up to 6 miles.  I am looking forward to not having to run because I have to but because I want to.

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Complete 3 HIIT sessions a week.  Zwow as well as a few HIIT I saw on Jill’s blog posts.  I love HIIT as they are short but intense and give a good total body workout.


Continue taking yoga 1 time a week.  Having found a local and inexpensive studio, I am so excited to continue to learn and to improve my yoga practice and I am looking forward to the benefits overall.


Shut down and log off by 10pm at the latest. Read until I drift off to sleep or 10:30-whichever comes 1st.

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Begin use of the 3 month online meditation I won!


Welcome June!

Do you have any goals for June?

10 thoughts on “Training for Tuesday….May goal reveiw-June goal setting.

  1. ishouldrun says:

    You did really well for your May goals! I need to get stronger in hitting my goals. As you said, we’re already halfway through the year! I haven’t heard of “whole 30” but the list looked similar to what I’m trying to do with my eating. Right now I’m struggling with the “no coffee” portion of my plan. I feel like it is cruel and unusual punishment. But I do believe eating well is so important to running well! (I hate this fact though)

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      Whole 30 is very paleo like except there is no sugar/sweeteners allowed in whole 30.
      I am not a coffee drinker but I know friends who are and would DIE if they couldn’t have it!! Hold strong!
      Yes eating well=running well for sure!


  2. Tracy S says:

    Good luck at Zooma! That feeling after your last big race, when you run because you *want* to not because you *have* to is just the best. I hope you have a great race and then enjoy dialing it back a bit. You’ve earned it!
    Thanks for linking up! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sue @ This Mama Runs For Cupcakes says:

    Great job on your goals! I don’t think it’s possible to hit them all at the same time!! I have wanted to try the Whole 30 but I haven’t made the jump yet…maybe soon.

    Liked by 1 person

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