Strong Lift /Run Base Re-Development-Day 2

Wednesday morning started with a little bit of a struggle. Getting back into the swing of things is going to take some time for sure. The 5:45 and the 6:00 (NO REALLY GET UP ) alarms are not getting easier but they will…..right? I hope so……

Stronglift Day 2:

Squats, Overhead Press and Deadlifts. I added 5 lbs to the squat bar, started overhead Press at 10 lbs and Deadlifts at 30lbs. Everything went well.

Run Base Re-Development Day 2:

It was a slow start this morning as I had to take my parents to the airport for 4:30 AM….yes AM. Which means I was up way too early but still was determined to get to track and get it done.

Today was track with my DC Tri ladies. On the plan today…400s, my second favorite distance. 200s are my first.

I have been dealing with a little hip/glute pain which kind of made it difficult for me to be great today but I pushed through and got in the 4-400s as was prescribed in the training plan. I was hoping to get in 6-400s but 4 was enough and a good effort for sure. Still some improvement to be had but a work in progress.


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