Thursday Throwdown #8-Favorite Summer Activities

Thursday’s on the blog and it is time for the  Throwdown Thursday with me, LexSarah!




We are still talking about Summer and today we are talking about Favorite Summer Activities.

I love love love the warm weather and the sunshine and use every moment to get in the sun (of course with sun-screen).

My #1 favorite thing to do in the summer is hang out at the beach.  I wish I lived closer to one so I could go every weekend but sadly I don’t so when I can get there I cherish every minute!  Next week, I will be in Costa Rica and I can’t wait to be on the beaches of that beautiful country.


A close second to the beach is being with nature where there are trees and trails! I have committed this summer, to get out and celebrate the National Park Service’s 100th birthday.



I can’t leave out my fitness activities:

Biking (a new love): beginning Triathlon training, I have gotten on a bike after maybe 20 years or so.  It took me a while really get back on two wheels.  I haven’t gone for a ride by myself but I really enjoyed riding with the kiddies.  Next week when my official triathlon training, it will be me, my bike and the road.


Swimming (another new love): Since I had reduced my running to save my knee, I have really missed getting out of the house and having some me time. Getting into the pool, has really giving me that time back and I really enjoy it.  I have always loved water (almost as much as I love fire….another blog post) and being in the water has been awesome.


Running: I do love running.  Getting out, feeling the air (even in the DC humidity) and feeling the pavement…there is nothing like it!!

Here is the one thing that I would like to do outside this summer:

-yoga….I want to be able to feel my breathe and take in the air through my vinyasa flow ;). There is a yoga studio less than a mile from the villa where we are staying in Costa Rica, so I am hoping to get that outdoor yoga session in next week.

outside yoga


I can’t finish this post without talking about eating! I love food…I really do!  My favorite summer eating is ICE CREAM!!! We have a Brusters Ice Cream near us and I can’t wait to enjoy a Sea Salted Caramel ice cream fromthem.  Look at it..doesn’t it look sooooo yummy!!??!



We will talk more about summer foods next week but I just had to include this because it is one of my favorite summer activities!!


What are your favorite summer activities?

 Link up and share it with us!

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6 thoughts on “Thursday Throwdown #8-Favorite Summer Activities

  1. runawaybridalplanner says:

    I can almost 2nd all your summer activities!
    I’m a hiker, I’d do it daily if I could. I love it as much as running. Dream summer world, run in the morning, hike in the afternoon and some fishing in the evening. I need to live in my dream world a little more than I have been the past few weeks!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mkadens1 says:

    All great summer activities! I wish I loved swimming as much as you do. Lolling in the pool I love, actual swimming, not so much. I do love biking and getting out in my kayak as much as possible. Oh and hitting the frozen custard stand has become an almost nightly ritual. Yum! Enjoy your trip. Cannot wait to hear all about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Chocolaterunsjudy says:

    I’ve always loved the water too. I was almost ready to invite myself over to a friend’s pool. Actually, she’s more a friend of a friend, but man, my ears perked up when I heard her new house will have a pool.

    Enjoy Costa Rica! I’m sure it’s gonna be awesome & I’ll have to live vicariously through you.

    Liked by 1 person

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