Runfessions-September 2015


Wow it has been a while since I have shared my Runfessions to you all or even to myself.  I guess that is because for a few months, I wasn’t really running due to injury or just because I didn’t feel like running (Runfession #1).  Either way, I am glad it is the last Friday of the month (wait….what….how is this happening so fast!!!) and i get to link up with  Marcia for Runfessions.

Runfession #2- I am disobeying Dr. orders

During the summer, I got the 2nd opinion to confirm that I have arthritis in my right knee.  I knew that developing arthritis in the knee was inevitable due to my multiple knee surgeries but I was hoping it would develop a bit later.  Anywhoo-both Drs have advised me to cut back on running with one flat out telling me to STOP!!  The way my fall/winter race schedule is set up…..that is not gonna happen doc! No way-No how! I will consider your advice for 2016 though.

Runfession #3- Not sure how I will handle my October races

Next weekend (Oct 2/3), I will be running DC Ragnar followed by the next week running RnR Brooklyn Half.  As I have been suffering from injuries this summer, I am not well trained for either and I am not sure how I will do.  I keep trying to let myself ‘enjoy the experience, run to finish…blah…blah…blah.  I am just too competitive for that and I am hoping I can curb the competitive side and really just enjoy the experiences.  These races will be 1st times for me and I am excited for both!

Runfession #4- I am really enjoying my track workouts

When I 1st started doing the track workouts, I have to admit, I was not a fan.  Running around that damn circle over and over was really hard but I have gotten over that and have really embraced and enjoyed the change up in my workouts.

Runfession #5- I am really having a hard time not planning a 2016 race schedule

Since being told to re-consider running longer distances, I have had to totally scrap my planned 2016 race schedule which consisted of 4- 1/2 marathons in 4 different states. The only races I know for sure at this time for 2016 is a Birthday/New Year 5k race (1/1/2016) other than that,I have to start researching 5ks and 10ks.  My longer mileage considerations are the Cherry Blossom 10 miler and Army 10 miler. We will see. Do you have any 5ks/10ks to recommend in the DC Area?

Well there you have it…..September Runfessions.  Thanks for letting me share them with you…..I feel much better.

Have a great weekend!

Anyone racing this weekend? What are your Runfessions?

Please Help Me Raise Funds To Support Girls On The Run:

17 thoughts on “Runfessions-September 2015

  1. Coco says:

    Ragnar is actually a good event to not push yourself because everyone is running at different times so it doesn’t feel as competitive (unless you are keeping track of “kills” …). There are tons of 5Ks and 10Ks in D.C. The GW Parkway Classic and Cherry Blossom in March/April both have 5Ks. I usually do Lawyers Have Heart 5K or 10K in June. Pacers and PR Running have a bunch more.

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      Yes- excited to just run and have fun this weekend at Ragnar…what are ‘kills’

      GW classic-right! I have to remember that on. Cherry Blossom for sure (well if I get in)-i have my calendar set for the lottery 🙂

      I will surely be researching the 5k/10ks in the area-thanks!


  2. fionajarrett says:

    Aw no, that’s tough to hear when you’re a runner. I had borderline stress fractures in both my feet last year and was told to do NO running for a few weeks, at least, and it nearly killed me. I was cracking up and the idea of not being able to run at all was just too much! I think I’d find it really hard not to plan a race schedule for next year too. Sorry to hear about your troubles but if you can at least run shorter races, that would be good. Guess it’s a compromise!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. HoHo Runs says:

    Unfortunately, I think most docs have the standard answer of “stop running”. You know your body. Just make wise choices and you’ll be fine. Good luck with and ENJOY your October races. Ragnar sounds awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      I will listen to my body and the dr (a bit). They are both sports drs one who has done both of my knee surgeries and knows how competitive and active I am. I know there is some truth in their advice but boy is it hard to swallow.


  4. Chocolaterunsjudy says:

    I may be slow, but I’m competitive, too, so I hear you.

    I guess it’s the standard listen to your body – walk if you need to, just don’t let it get to the proverbial crawl! And be mindful of the stuff you want to do in the future!

    Will pushing now knock out something you really want to do down the road? That’s why I scrapped my 10k this summer. It made for a really boring summer because that was going to be our one little getwaway, but it was the right decision.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. says:

    Running is bad on your knees……….bahahaha ok I had too!! 🙂 No really, meh, on the Dr. who told you to stop all together. Do some research, listen to your body and don’t make any concrete plans I think it will all work out. Your a strong woman and know what your body needs even if that is a cut back! I’m so excited to hear how your Ragnar race goes! I had a few runfessions this month too. Planning to try again for my 7 miles tomorrow. Maybe my knee will act right this time! Have a great weekend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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