It’s Friday…..Friday 5s and Hi-5 Friday!

images-its Friday

WhooooHoo it’s Friday….this week has flown by so quickly. I have nothing really planned for the weekend except my son’s soccer games. We have no football on Sunday so I may try to get myself together and head down to MCM to cheer for the 10k and Marathoners.


It’s been a while since I have shared things that I am loving or things I want to give Hi-5s to, so today Linking up with

Friday Five: with the “DC Trifecta” Cynthia,Courtney and Mar



High 5 Friday with Angela


-My Family


-I have the best family ever! From my parents to my kids and everyone in between. My sister, my brother,  husband, kids and my extended family.  My family is the most supportive, encouraging and empowering group of people.  They push me past my comfort zone, challenge me to do my best and supports me in everything that I want to pursue! How can a girl not be successful with a family support system like that!!


-I have been blogging since March and I have learned so much.  The support of the blogging community is AWESOME!!!  When I started blogging, I wanted to create a space where I could share my thoughts, clear my head and save my girlfriend from hearing go on and on about things-lol!  Since March I have ‘met ‘ so many awesome people and  read so many amazing blogs!

One of the things I like most about blogging are link-ups.  With link-ups, it continues to allow me to ‘meet ‘ so many people and see how other bloggers create their post to fit the theme of the link-up.  The writing styles and creativity is so inspiring and awesome to be a part of.

The link-ups that I most ofter link up to are:


 –Weekly Wrap with Tricia and Holly


  -Tuesdays on the Run (anything running related) with Erica


-Wild Workout Wednesday with Angelena Marie at Angelena Marie: Happy, Healthy & Balanced  & Annmarie at The Fit Foodie Mama & Nicole at Fitful Focus & Michelle at Fruition Fitness

-Wednesday Word with Deb


-Thinking out Loud with Amanda


-Fitness Friday with : Jill

-Friday Five: with the “DC Trifecta” Cynthia,Courtney and Mar

-High Five Friday with Angela


-Ultimate Coffee Date (first Saturday – monthly): with  linking up with Coco , Lynda , & Deborah.

*Saturday Morning Motivation (last Saturday of the month) with Melanie 

That time of the Month (the 3rd Sat of the month) with, Holly  and Wendy

Did I forget any link-up hostesses….if I did blame it on the mind and not the heart!


-Since the summer, I have been committed to going to Yoga once a week. I alternate between heated and traditional. I found a Yoga studio near my job Extend Yoga, that offers a mixed flow class for $5.  I have penciled it into my schedule and work on maintaining that time as ‘my time’.  Since the summer, I have only missed 4 classes due to work or family obligations. I am enjoying working on and improving my practice and the classed, teachers and yogis at extend yoga are amazing!!!



-Fall is my favorite season.  The air is cooler and crisper. The leaves are changing and the colors so beautiful. The sunsets and sunrises seem even more beautiful peeking through the colored leaves.  In the DC area, Fall never seems to last long enough but for now, I am enjoying every minute of it!

-My life:

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-I can’t complain about anything in my life right now….ok I could but why? I am alive, I am healthy, I am happy (most of the time), I am loved and I am blessed.  The small things that get to me are just that small. All difficulties, stresses and such will pass. I will get past them and look back and be amazed at what I have been able to accomplish and get through.

 Well there you have it…my 5 loves and Hi-5 right now!

What are you loving?

What can you give a Hi-5 to? 

Are you participating in MCM this weekend?

13 thoughts on “It’s Friday…..Friday 5s and Hi-5 Friday!

  1. Sue @ This Mama Runs For Cupcakes says:

    Love this! You are so right, the blogging community it one of the coolest things around! Don’t know what I would do without ya’ll!

    Liked by 1 person

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