Weekly Wrap-Week of October 19 2015


Last week when I wrapped up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin, I was recovering from a bit too many bottomless mimosas. I recovered well though and was able to have a good week :)!


So worth it!!

Linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for Weekly Wrap-up. Make sure to stop by to see how other bloggers are wrapping up their week.


10 min abs finished of with 5 min jump rope (500 reps) and 5 min of stretching.

20 min and I am done!

Nice way to start the week!



Morning sweat with @grokkerinc and @kuschfit and 30 min HIIT workout #2!



It was a bit hard to get out of my warm bed this morning but I made it! Started with the moon and stars and ended with the sunrise.

Another @teamlunachixdc Wednesday track workout complete!

2 lap warm up( I was late so only got in 1) followed by dynamic stretches.
The workout today consisted of 1- 1200s (3times around the track), 2 800s and 2 400s.

As I mentioned last week, distances over 800 tend to be really difficult for me on the track. I was so glad my speed pacer @athletemoms was back!!

As usual, she pushed me past my comfort zone which was exactly what I needed!

The goal continues to be to improve your pace each round (such an love/hate!!)

800: (we had some technical difficulties here) approx times: 3:50, 3:39
400: :87, :86

Official end of track workouts are next Wed but there no one is ready to end so we might have a few more….wippeee!

Most importantly on Wednesday…..it was my angel’s 5th birthday.  If you missed my birthday post you can read it here.


Happy 5th B-day MJ! I love you to the moon and back!

Thursday: Rest Day

We partied a bit too hard for MJ’s bday the night before…we shut Chuckie Cheese down! lol!!

Rest day-it’s a part of the program!


How I spent my rest day…extra snuggles and cuddles.

Thursday night was Math night at my son’s school.  It was really fun watching them engage and enjoy in math activities.



I knocked out 2 workouts today!

1st workout complete with @grokkerinc and @kuschfit Barre Workout #2!

This Barre workout was all about balancing and lengthening.


2nd workout of the day-Heated yoga @extendyoga-just what my mind and body needed!


1 day I will be able to do that pose!!!


My son’s game was a bit further than usual but ended up being close to a local mountain, so on a whim we decided to head up there for a little hike.

We hiked for almost 3 hours, enjoyed the views and each other.

The kiddies were troopers! We probably hiked close to 4 miles total.  They didn’t complain at all!!!



Sunday: Rest Day

After that impromtu hike fest on Saturday, my body was thankful for the rest!!!

I was suppose to go to Costco and do some meal prepping but that didn’t happen.  It’s all good though.

Well there is it my week in review.

Another good week of working out and family time (my 2 favorite things!). I do need to get some more runs in to get ready for my final half of 2015 in December.  We will see how that goes over the next week.

How was your week? Did you meal prep this week-what’s on the menu?

Have a Fit-Tastic Day!!

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Twitter: @Fit_MamaMeeks
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Facebook: @Fit MamaMeeks Gotta Run.Play.Lift

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20 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap-Week of October 19 2015

  1. Sue @ This Mama Runs For Cupcakes says:

    You are always so on point with your workouts, i’m very envious of you. Unless it’s running I find every excuse in the book to not do it which has GOT TO CHANGE!! Looks like a great week!! The kiddos are adorable!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mary Beth Jackson says:

    You did have a great week of fitness and family fun! I love the birthday pic, super cute! It is nice that the soccer game turned into a nice family hike, I love it when a plan comes together even when I don’t know the plan! Have a fun week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      The impromptu was so fun…. I am such a planner that i forget to enjoy the moment sometimes. At first i kept thinking, we don’t have snacks, enough water, etc. but I let it go and was able to enjoy it and so did the kids. 🙂


  3. Tricia@MissSippiPiddlin.com says:

    I remember you talking about the mimosa’s last week and me being jealous too! Hey there is no better way to start the day than with the moon and stars and end with the sunrise. So glad you are enjoying it too! Also no better way than to enjoy your rest day too. So glad you continue to support our link up!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Chocolaterunsjudy says:

    Week wasn’t great (except for the running). Glad you had a good one! 1200s are hard, as are 800s, mile repeats . . . .since I’m still basically in off season despite the 15k coming up, I think I’ll stick to 400s today. Or maybe not. We’ll see.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. HoHo Runs says:

    I’m so impressed you can get the same pose for your workout shots! I am horrible at selfies. Horrible! Your angel is precious. Happy belated birthday to her. That Chuck E Cheese can be a real night on the town. Hiking sounds like the perfect activity right now with the pretty fall views. It looks like you had a blast. I do not meal prep, unless you count buying groceries. I just wing it after that. I appreciate you linking with us!

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      haha! I have really long arms (my own selfie stick!) i am not able to do the direct face ones-I always look so silly!

      Thanks-she is my heartI tell ya!! Chuck E Cheese is the jump off! lol!

      The views were spectacular on the hike-it was such a great impromptu trip!

      I usually grill on Sat so my meat is done and wing it with veggies and carbs. I didn’t even make it to the grocery store yesterday-lol!


  6. Kelli says:

    Wow, 5 minutes of jump rope! I don’t know if I could jump rope for 1 minute. I haven’t done it in so long. Sounds like you had a good week of workouts. And a fun family hike. Great time of year for that! Have a good week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      Thanks! I once did a 10 min jump rope workout from fitsugar…OMG-I thought I was going to die!!! At first its like oh 5/10 minutes no big deal…then you realize and you are like-WTH was I thinking-lol!!

      The family hike was so much fun!


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