Reflections of an injured Runner…..I’m glad I listened to my body

Earlier this summer, I had 2 injuries that pretty much sidelined my from from running for about a month.  You can read more about that here and  here.  In short, I was diagnosed with severe arthritis in my right knee and cuboid syndrome. The arthritis has been a long time coming as I had ACL surgery over 10 years ago and was told that arthritis would be inevitable. The cuboid syndrome was out of the blue and I still don’t know where that came from.

Anyhoo, since one injury was with the knee and the other with the foot, I was not able to run for almost a month. I had just started track workouts and was loving them and had just begun training for my Fall races in October.  The devastation I felt is describable but for any runners out there who have been injured, I know you understand my pain.  On top of that, the frustration continued to be for me that I am the most fit, healthy and active that I have been in my entire life but yet, I keep getting injured. Quite frustrating for sure!

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Although the break from running was difficult, in retrospect, I am glad that for the first time in a long time, I followed the Drs. suggestions and you know what…..the foot and the knee healed up well.  The knee will always give me issues but the severe pain and swelling went away. The pain in my foot…yup that went away too!

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Here’s what I know-listening to the Drs. and my body put me back on track and has allowed me to have an awesome racing/running Fall season so far. If you are a long time reader, you know that I don’t always listen to my body and rarely listen to my Drs.-lol!!  As I thought about my racing/running performances this Fall, I know that I can attribute some of my success to listening to the Drs a bit more but most importantly listening to my body.

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Clearly my body was tired and breaking down and decided to shut me down so that it could heal and get back to a place where it could respond to training and racing efforts and to be able to perform at a decent level. My running/racing season is not over yet but I am looking forward to the remainder of my races and am glad that at this time, my body is at a point where it is healed and recovered and allowing me to use it to run strong!

Are you good at listening to your body? How long has an injury kept you out of commission?

21 thoughts on “Reflections of an injured Runner…..I’m glad I listened to my body

  1. Sue @ This Mama Runs For Cupcakes says:

    As I’ve developed as a runner I definitely listen to my body now. I know that some extra rest days won’t hurt and they will actually do good, but being able to do that definitely comes with time and experience!

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  2. Kathryn @ Dancing to Running says:

    Now that I’m pregnant, I’ve gotten better about listening to my body. Its so difficult to overcome the mental wall of knowing that you need to take a step back, and just don’t want to. But acknowledging that you need to, and following through on that, shows great mental strength.

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  3. runawaybridalplanner says:

    I’ve actually never been injured from running. But 3 years ago I got a work injury that has kept me from being able to race as I used to, I am hoping I am finally getting through it, fingers crossed. But I hear ya, listening to your body is key!
    I am great listening to my body as a runner, but not so much when I do other things, sometimes I forget it’s far more easier to get injured doing stupid things in every day life than it is playing sports!
    Great post, and I am glad you were able to heal and recover and get back into it!!!! I hope to have that happen to myself soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Rebecca J says:

    Injuries stink, but I am so glad that you are healing! Sometimes all your body needs is some good old rest and recovery to start working again. I try to get better at listening to my body every day, but I agree sometimes that can be difficult when you just want to go!

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  5. holisticfitfam says:

    I am so glad your injuries are healing…that had to be frustrating! I am not one to always listen to doctors either and I am a nurse, so it’s kind of ironic! I just battled back from a knee injury but took it easy this fall with the races…I hope to be in full commission for my spring races!

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  6. mkadens1 says:

    Oh gosh I well know that feeling of hopelessness that injury brings. I always wonder if I’ll ever run again. It is amazing though how the body will heal, IF we give it the time and care it needs.And yes, I’ve gotten the “stop running” thing from docs more than once. That’s my sign to find a new doc! So glad your healing has gone well!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Elizabeth says:

    I’m so glad you listened to your body and you’re doing better! It took me too long to seek treatment for my plantar fasciitis but so glad I went in before I damaged my foot more. I am going on 6 months since my last run and it has not been easy!

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  8. KME says:

    I like you wasnt good at listening to my body until a hamstring injury was so bad it sidelined me for 7weeks and then another 2 months to get back. It’s hard to hold back but better in the long run!
    Glad you are back at it!!! ❤️

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  9. Rachel @ says:

    I am so bad at listening to my body and my doctors, and I’ve actually had to take some time off myself recently due to illness. Mine is allergies/asthma, and I’m actually heading to the doctor on Thursday to talk about solutions! This post couldn’t have been more timely for me!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. says:

    I am trying to do just that! I am scared to death of overdoing it and not running in the races I want to run in. I am trying to be proactive about the things I can control. I know Life has a way of throwing curve balls, I just hope I have a good eye to hit them before they hit me 😉

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