Ultimate Coffee Date on this Soleful Saturday

Happy Saturday!!

As you are reading this, I am either running the Philly Hot Chocolate 15k or finished it.


So for this Soleful Saturday , I hope you will join me for a little bit of coffee hot chocolate.

If you don’t know, on the 1st Saturday of the month, we come together and have coffee with , Coco at Running With Perseverance, Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner, and Lynda at Fitness Mom Wine Country at their Ultimate Coffee Date!

Since I am here in Philly @the Hot Chocolate….I will opt for a hot chocolate today. …I hope you don’t mind.

If we were having hot chocolate, I would let you know that I am typing this on the WP app so if things look a little off that is why.

If we were having hot chocolate, I would tell you my goals for the race today.

Most importantly, have fun!!! I am such a competitor that I am always pushing for that PR or just a strong race.

Having fun….this is actually really hard for me. I want to enjoy the scenery of the race as we are running through all of Philly’s most famous attractions starting at the Philadelphia Art Museum which is said to be made for lots of great photo ops pre- and post-race. The beauty along the Boathouse Row and the river, is also said to be beautiful- especially on the way back with nice views of the city. My goal is to get some of those beautiful views and pictures.

If we were having hot chocolate, I would let you know that as I just typed/talked that out and thought about it, I have decided to not have any finish time goals for this race.

Goal A: Finish strong, running, smiling and with lots of pictures.

Thanks for having hot chocolate with me. Sorry for taking all the time we had together and talking all about me. I really did appreciate it though. You helped me totally change my goals for this race and helped me to feel ok with that. THANK YOU!

If we were having coffee or hot chocolaye, what would you tell me? Are you racing this weekend?

18 thoughts on “Ultimate Coffee Date on this Soleful Saturday

  1. Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says:

    I had hot chocolate for my coffee date too…great minds think alike! I hope you had a great race at Hot Chocolate. I know the weather wasn’t the best, but hopefully you got to enjoy your time in Philly and enjoy the sights! Too bad we just missed each other!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Steph says:

    I hope you achieved your goal! There is definitely something to be said for just running for pleasure.

    Over hot chocolate I would tell you that it is turning into a gorgeous day here in the UK. Hopefully the sunshine will bring some warmth, as it’s a bit chilly right now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      I had to switch goals a bit as it started raining and it was cod ;(. I ran well and finished strong but only got a few good pictures.

      Oh, I would take gorgeous! It is bitterly cold here in the DC area…I don’t know where Spring is but I would like for it to come. 😉


  3. MB Jackson says:

    I ran the Hot Chocolate 15K in Phoenix and I loved it! So I hope you had a great time! I ran local 10K this morning and the humidity here has really kicked up! Can’t wait to hear about your race! They have great swag!

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:


      Plan A got pushed to the side when the cold windy rain came down as we walked out of the hotel ;(.

      The goal shifted to finishing without freezing to death but I did finish strong and get some pictures 🙂


    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      Thanks..I was worried about how the app worked. Good to know it worked out well 😉

      The rain started as we walked out the door and continued thorough the entire race ;(

      The hot chocolate and fondue was a great finishing gift.


  4. Chocolaterunsjudy says:

    I think I am definitely going to want to have that hot chocolate!

    I almost signed up for this race with a friend a couple of years back. Someday, maybe. I’ve heard mixed reviews about the hot chocolate runs, so I’m interested to hear your take on it.

    I hope it was fun, fast, and at least mostly pain free (because I know there will be some pain, unfortunately).

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      Thanks. After finishing, I think I love that distance too. There aren’t many 15k races though (that I know of) but I will be on the look out for more of them. The race was good besides the freezing cold rain ;(


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