2016 Goal Check-In

Happy Tuesday All!

Clearly, I have been slacking on the goal check ins this year. I think my last one was in April…booooo!  I guess I can give myself a little break since I did take blog break during the summer.

So before more time slips away, let’s do a little check in shall we……




-Continue to blog at least 3 times a week-

-Since my blog break, I am working back up to blogging at least 3 times a week.  I think 3 times a week is a good number of posts for me to keep blogging fun for me.


-Find my authentic blog voice:

I continue to think I am really developing my blog voice.  I think I write very similar to how I speak and I tend to speak with authenticity and confidence. I feel that my real life voice and blogging voice are about the same.  I continue to ‘stay in my lane’ and don’t try to talk about stuff that I am unfamiliar with.  I feel comfortable to ask questions when I am not sure about things.  I will continue to write about insight and research I have gained on topics I am unfamiliar with.

I continue to get compliments on my blog writing and that always feels good ;).

-Increase blog subscription to 100

Even with my blog break, I have been able to slowly increase my blog numbers. I am up to 80. It may sound so sill but this continues to be pretty exciting for me!

Continue to find my ‘blog tribe’:

I am continuing to develop a nice blog tribe.  Bloggers who visit often, like my posts and comment.

Even during my blog break, I had followers checking in on my posts and seeing how I was doing.

My top commentator continues to be Judy. Continued Thanks Judy!

Self Host

-I have decided to hold off on this.  I am able to what I need to do without self hosting. I am still interested in it for the added features and perks but for right now, I am good.

Create Mission Statement for the blog:

-Soooooo, yeah-I still haven’t done this as of yet.

Begin to research monetizing: 

I have decided to hold off on this. I can see how this could be very helpful financially, but without a self hosted site it is just about impossible.  So for right now, I will put this on the back burner.


-De-clutter/organize my house:

So remember how I talked about the blizzard of 2016 being so helpful in this task and how I had kept the order that I established….well I continue to be the only one really making an effort to keep things up and so the house continues to look like a tornado has hit it ;(.

Oh and remember how I talked about tackling the closet…..yeah not so much ;(

Study/Pass the NASM Certified Trainer test:

Officially crossing off the goals for 2016….maybe 2017…we will see….

NOPE……still haven’t even looked at the book…..uuuugh!!! I really am finding it hard to find time. With the kids activities, I am busy every single night of the week and totally exhausted by the end of the day.

Begin Developing Business plan for personal training: 

Officially crossing off the goals for 2016….maybe 2017…we will see….

– see above ….;(


1 family night a week….With kids activities our weeknights continued to be jammed packed. My son’s soccer games are now overlapping with my daughter’s gymnastic practices and so our times together are separated more ;(.

I continue to make an effort to get us out as a family as much as I can but it may not be 1 a week like I had planned but I will keep trying.

We did have so much fun during the summer! We were on the move and so active with lots of fun and memories!

2 date nights a month…. Nope….not 1 but we did have a nice impromptu celebration for out 10 year anniversary.

Be more present at home. Cell phone on charger/no lap top use until the kids go to bed:

-Using the Quality Time app, has really helped me to be more present. However, I have found that I am turning off the ‘time out’ feature a bit too often these days and so I need to get back to keeping the scheduled ‘off times’ as I have set them.


Continue to pay off debt…miss no payments/ make no late payments:

CONTINUED SUCCESS!! yipee!!! My credit score has gone up considerably due to this.  Day by day but surely a success. I have paid off 2 more past debts! BOOM!!!

monetize blog:  No longer a goal

complete weekly savings plan:


-CONTINUED SUCCESS!! Even though I missed a few deposits over the summer, I made them up. My girlfriend continues to be a great keeper and accountability partner in this effort! I have all my deposits set up until the end of the year!


Successfully train for my 1st Triathlon…..nailed it!!


Get to my ideal racing weight while determining how to effectively fuel my body

As I mentioned in the last check in, have decided to not do the racing weight program.

Weighing myself is not healthy for me. I get to caught up in the numbers and often self sabotage.

I tend to do much better with using pictures and measurements as a check-in and will continue to use that.

Consistently strength train 2-3 times a week:

-With triathlon training, this limited my ability to strength train but I will get back to it no during the off season.


-Remain injury free:

So far, so good. Outside of the pain in my knee from my arthritis, I have not developed any new injuries (knock on wood!!)


2:00 Half:

I have no Half Marathons on the schedule this year and have decided not to add any.  I am not trying to push it and cause more pain and injury.

Determine my comfortable race pace in varying distances (5k-13.1):

Still a work in progress.  I am not sure, that I will get this down this year.

continue to increase speed:

-Track work   with the 2016 Luna Chix DC Run team are going well!!


I have gotten over my anxiety of leading the workouts and feel pretty comfortable each week.

I am sad that tomorrow is the last official day of the  2016 Luna Chix DC Run team. We will be transitioning to an alumni team for next year but we have not worked out all the details. Stay tuned…..

Overall, I continue to feel pretty good with my progress of my goals for 2016..  I will continue to work harder at those I have not touched yet and hope to report with some success by the end of the year.

goal check in

How are you doing with the goals you set at the beginning of the year?

Join me at the Annapolis Running Festival: November 19

napa annapolis.jpg

Use TAMIEKA16 for 10% off.

I would love to stay connected:

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12 thoughts on “2016 Goal Check-In

  1. Amanda Seghetti says:

    Wow, you have quite the range of goals here! I like that you have them categorized – blog, personal, physical… I think I’d like to write goals in those areas when I make new goals for 2017. Just to make sure I aim for all the important areas in my life. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:


      I found that by categories, I was able to hit all the elements that are important to me. In looking at them it seems like so many but really it is 1 or 2 per category so pretty achievable.

      I can’t believe it is time to start thinking about 2017 goals already!!!


  2. Kimberly Hatting says:

    I don’t really do goals, per se, but do a lot of monthly challenges (hello? planking? push-ups? squats? ) 😉 I’m with you on the pacing thing….I have an idea on how “fast” I should be able to do a 5K, 10K, etc. but so much depends on the race day conditions (weather, crowds, terrain of course, etc.) that it can be overwhelming. And frustrating. The weight thing….my weight has pretty much maintained through my marathon training (I’m tall, so I can gain-or lose a few pounds and it doesn’t really show)…but my inches have been decreasing. I’m guessing the increased muscle is helping dissolve some of the fat 😉 I look forward to seeing what you have in store for 2017!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Run Wright says:

    I don’t know who Judy is but I want to beat her record.
    I planned to do that 52 week savings thing and I didn’t so I am going to do it in 2017. i think it’s a great idea.
    congrats on nailing those fitness goals. You’re a Tri-Athlete (I’m still just a try-athlete lol)
    Have a great day, T.

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      Haha!!! I think you are a close second for sure 😉

      The 52 week challenge…I had planned to do it last year but never did but had to get it together. I have significantly reduced my willy nilly shopping and it has paid off for sure! Totally worth it!!

      I am so up and down with my fitness…it is quite annoying to me but overall I am doing well so I have to celebrate that 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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