The countdown to DC Ragnar…..

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Ok so -ish is getting real….next weekend, I will be running Leg 2 of the DC Ragnar Race!

I am getting really excited and really nervous at the same time.


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-I have wanted to this race since last year. I had some friends do it and I has said that if the opportunity came up, I would totally do it.

-2 days of running-yes please! (ha I say that now….)

-I think the atmosphere will be AWESOME and an experience to remember!!

-All of my run times are actually times that I run or have run, so I think my body will be ok.

-3 running outfits with a runs costume in there somewhere 🙂


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-Although I signed up to run this with my best solemate Alanna, we are actually in different vans so I am not sure exactly when we will see each other.

-i will be in a van with 5 other ladies that I do not know, have never met, etc. That is going to be really weird but I am looking forward to it (I think….)

-As a member of the Girls on the Run Solemate, I am charged with raising $500…I am about 50% there. Please Help Me Raise Funds To Support Girls On The Run:

-What in the heck am I going to wear, pack, eat, etc. I have never done anything like this before…what was I thinking!?!?

-I am worried about my knee wont do to well (Note to self: call the Dr. to schedule a cortizone shot!)

Have you ever run a Ragnar race? Any suggestions/advice for the newbie?

Linking up wtth the Tuesdays on the Run (TOTR) ladies;  Erica at mcmmamaruns, Patty of noguiltlife and April of runthegreatwidesomewhere.


Today’s theme is: Free Topic

12 thoughts on “The countdown to DC Ragnar…..

  1. ishouldrun says:

    I’ve never run a Ragnar but I knew some folks who did the Miami to Key West one. Their main complaints were dealing with each other in the van when everyone was tired and grouchy. haha. But they weren’t best friends or anything like you guys are! How many miles total will you have to run for your part?

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      yup super worried about folkd grouchiness. I am not a grouchy person and dont handle those who are very well. I don’t know these people at all-lol. Sure to be interesting.
      My total mileage is 13.4. I choose one of the shortest legs since I am doing the Brooklyn half the following weekend.


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