TOTR: Hardest Part of running

Last week it was so hard for me to join PattyErika, and Marcia of Tuesdays on the Run link up to talk about the best part of running.  If you have been reading my blog the past couple of weeks, you know I have been struggling with running due to my knee issues (Here and Here) and the joy of running and thoughts of the best parts of running has been a feeling that I have had a hard time pulling up!


Today’s topic is The hardest part of running is ______.


Make sure to stop by and see what others are talking about.

Tuesdays on the Run

Injuries: Since I have started running to race in 2013, I have had way too many injuries: Runner’s Knee, Cuboid Syndrome, Arthritis, etc….


Time from the family: When I am training for a half marathon and the training miles, start to creep up, it often means that I am out of the house for a few hours. My son always wants to come with me and it makes me sad to tell him no.


The early morning runs: Although I am usually up between 5 and 5:30 am, when the miles get higher, I have to wake up earlier to be able to be back so not to miss too much of the AM shenanigans.


The cost: Whoever said that running is a low cost hobby….LIED!!!!


The rush: You train, you run, you say…’why did I sign up for this?’…you finish and the rush of it….you sign up for another race…lol!!! (see #4…see what I mean!!)


Even with these hard parts of running…..I do miss it so and really can’t wait to get back to it with limited pain and discomfort.


What is the hardest part of running for you?


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20 thoughts on “TOTR: Hardest Part of running

  1. Run Wright says:

    I’ve never heard of that Cuboid thing. That’s probably a good thing – it means I haven;t gotten it.
    The thing I’ve battled is Plantar Fascitis – I now have an unsightly bump on top of my foot. Oh well, small price to pay for being able to run, I say in my more optimistic moments 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. fionajarrett says:

    Fair play to you getting up so early in the morning to get your runs in, that is hard to do and still like running! What I find hard is running on days that you really don’t want to or are just not in the mood to. Of course, it makes up for it when you finish a race!


  3. kingdomofsequins says:

    These are all so true! I always ask myself on a long run… why am I still going? But when all the miles are done and I see the calories burned my questions are answered! Hardest part for me is finding the TIME! Busy schedules and weather def interfere sometimes. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. LaChicaRuns says:

    The hardest part for me is knowing when not to run, either because I’m injured, I am supposed to be cross training or because my friends want to go a couple — or many — more miles than I had planned. Add that to the things I’m still working on. Hope you heal soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Diane @runninrocker says:

    The hardest part of running for me is when I am having any sort of injury or pains and I can’t give it my all. I still enjoying being out there but I start thinking about how my performance will be in my next race. Wouldn’t it be nice to feel 100% 100% of the time!?!?

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