It’s Fitness Friday and Friday 5s!

Friday link- ups today:

DC Trifecta of Cynthia, Mar and and Courtney for Friday Fives



Jill for Fitness Fridays!!


Fitness Friday:

This week has been a mixed week of rest and fitness. After running Zooma Annapolis Half on Saturday, I played football on Sunday. To say. My body was TIRED would be an understatement!

My workout week this week:
Wednesday: 3 mile run in honor or National Running Day.
Thursday: HITT-Zwow #2
Friday: Full Body Workout Circuit
Saturday: Slated to run 5 miles
Sunday: Football

My knee is feeling pretty good and I haven’t had to use the whole week to recover. Overall it has been a good workout/fitness week.

Friday Five

Today’s theme is in honor of National Running Day.

I wrote a pretty long post on Wednesday about National Running Day , so today I will make it short and sweet and share with you 5 thoughts that I have while running a half marathon.

Thought #1: You got this!
You have spent months training and you have been committed and dedicated and focused! You will do great!

Thought #2: You are a rock star!
This is usually around mile 4 or so. Keep it up girl! You are right on pace. You are looking good and strong!

Thought #3: Find your pacer runner!
Where is that girl that was running so effortlessly?!? I wonder what she was listening to? Those tights are cute-I wonder where she got them from? I will totally ask her after the race. #tightsstalker

Thought #4: What we’re you thinking?!?

This is usually about mile 8 or so. Why do you do this to yourself? I mean really what are you trying to prove!?! Ok you are a little under a 10k-het your -ish together Tamieka!!

Thought #5-You are in the home stretch!

Ok girl-pick it up and finish strong! You have got to look good in those over priced pictures that you will never buy-lol!

Bonus Thought: WAY TO GO!!

You totally rocked that! Where is my medal?!? #irunforbling

What do you say to yourself while racing or training?

Have a Fit-Tastic Day!!

Follow me on:
Twitter: @Fit_MamaMeeks
Instagram:@ Fit_MamaMeeks

11 thoughts on “It’s Fitness Friday and Friday 5s!

  1. jillconyers says:

    Feels great to get to the “way to go” thoughts! “What were you thinking” makes me laugh every time. It’s expected 🙂

    Have an awesome weekend and thanks for linking up with Fitness Friday!

    Liked by 1 person

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