March/April 2016 Goal Check In

Happy Tuesday All!


Wait….how is it May already and how did I miss both March and April Goal check -ins…uuugh!! The whole point for posting my goals is to hold myself accountable with monthly check ins….get it together Tamieka!!

Well here we are in the 2nd week of May so let’s get to it shall we!

march 2016april



-Continue to blog at least 3 times a week-


I blogged 17 times with an average of 3 posts per week


I blogged 16 times with an average of 3 posts per week.

And in March I celebrated my 1 year blogging anniversary….I still can’t believe I have been doing this for a year. Still loving the process and the experience!!

In April, I  also started a bi-monthly Link -Up: Thursday Throwdown with  2 local bloggers Alexis (Lex) and Sarah.

grab button for Fit Balling Running Mom

We are getting off to a slow start but that is ok. Feel free to join us next week when we continue to talk about Motivation and share Who motivates you? Have you read anything motivational?

-Find my authentic blog voice:  Quarterly Check-In

I think I am really developing my blog voice.  I think I write very similar to how I speak and I tend to speak with authenticity and confidence. I feel that in I blogging voice I am about the same.  I don’t try to talk about stuff that I am unfamiliar with. I ask questions when I am not sure.  I write about insight and research I have gained on topics I am unfamiliar with.

I have gotten compliments on my blog writing and that always feels good 😉

-Increase blog subscription to 100

In the months of March and April, I have gained 11 new followers-I am up to 74. This continues to be pretty exciting for me!

Continue to find my ‘blog tribe’: Quarterly Check-In

I am developing a nice blog tribe.  Bloggers who visit often, like my posts and comment.

My top commentor continues to be Judy. I think she responds to every single one of my posts! Thanks Judy!

Self Host

-I have decided to hold off on this.  I am able to what I need to do without self hosting. I am still interested in it for the added features and perks but for right now, I am good.

Create Mission Statement for the blog: Quarterly Check-In

-Soooooo, yeah-I haven’t done this as of yet.

Begin to research monetizing: – Quarterly Check-In

I have decided to hold off on this. I can see how this could be very handy financially, but without a self hosted site it is just about in possible.  So for right now, I will put this on the back burner.


-De-clutter/organize my house:

So remember how I talked about the blizzard of 2016 being so helpful in this task and how I had kept the order that I established….well I was the only one really making an effort to keep things up and so the house looks like a tornado has hit it ;(.

Oh and remember how I talked about tackling the closet…..yeah not so much ;(

Study/Pass the NASM Certified Trainer test:

NOPE……still haven’t even looked at the book…..uuuugh!!! I really am finding it hard to find time. With the kids activities, I am bust every single night of the week and totally exhausted by the end of the day.

Begin Developing Business plan for personal training: Quarteryl Check-In

– see above ….;(


1 family night a week….With activities our weeknights are jammed packed so have made sure to so something together on the weekends even if it just attending my son’s soccer games on Saturday.  We try to get some other activities in as well.




We went to a local middle schools production of the Lion King…the kids loved it!



2 date nights a month…. Nope….not 1 ;(….we have got to do better!

Be more present at home. Cell phone on charger/no lap top use until the kids go to bed:

-I continue to make great strides with this.  I would say that I have increased my efforts and I am at 85% of the time  putting the devices away until the kids are in bed.


Continue to pay off debt…miss no payments/ make no late payments:

CONTINUED SUCCESS!! yipee!!! My credit score has gone up considerably due to this.  Day by day but surely a success.

monetize blog:  No longer a goal

complete weekly savings plan:

-CONTINUED SUCCESS!! Even though I missed 2 deposits, I made them up. My girlfriend continues to be a great keeper and accountability partner in this effort! As I type this I just realized I have not set up my May deposits….oops! On it now!


I did a 6 week weigh training and loved it.

-I am  doing 12 week training program now with the goal of awesome beach body for Costa Rica in June and best body ready for official 12 week Triathlon training starting at the end of June.

Successfully train for my 1st Triathlon

-I passed my 2nd swim class…and can sign up for adult swim 4 lessons but they are only on Sat/Sun at 11:45 am which would interfere with either my son’s soccer games or my football games…boooo. My next goal is to go to the pool by myself and just swim laps…eeek.

Get to my ideal racing weight while determining how to effectively fuel my body

As I mentioned in the last check in, have decided to not do the racing weight program.

In completing my 12 week weight training, I believe I will be at a good size, weight and overall good place physically to train well for my Triathlon.

Consistently strength train 2-3 times a week:

I am in week  5 of the the Breaking Boundaries 12 week program. This has me lifting 4-5 times a week.

Check out my week 1… .to week 4 progress pictures.

Week 1

Week 4



-Remain injury free:

So far, so good. Outside of the pain in my knee from my arthritis, I have not developed any new injuries (knock on wood!!) I am in PT and it is going well.


2:00 Half:

I have no Half Marathons on the schedule as of yet and I may not even one run this year. This will really all depend on how my knee is feeling after PT.  I am not trying to push it and cause more pain and injury.

Determine my comfortable race pace in varying distances (5k-13.1):

Still a work in progress.  I really do hope to get this down this year.

continue to increase speed:

-Track work  has started with the 2016 Luna Chix DC Run team and it is going well!!

I am slowly getting over my anxiety of leading the workouts and getting more comfortable with it each week.

Overall not too shabby towards most of my 2016 goals.  I will continue to work harder at those I have not touched yet and hope to report with some good updates in April.

goal check in

How are you doing with the goals you set at the beginning of the year?

Have you heard of the United Relay of America….I’m running one of the DC legs? Which one will you run? Use This link for 30% off.

I am raising funds for the We Are Movement Foundation. Click HERE to support me with a pledge. Thank you in advance!

Join me at’s Free!

Are you joining me at any of the Zooma runs?

If so, don’t forget to use TAMIEKA16 for 10% off.


I would love to stay connected:

Follow me on:



12 thoughts on “March/April 2016 Goal Check In

  1. Run Wright says:

    I can’t believe you’ve only been blogging for a year. There are many people in the “business” who don’t seem to get it like you do.m so kudos on that.
    I happen to love your blog voice so you’ve already done that too.
    I love the pics of your family as always and congrats on your lifting progress. I’d like to add that to my routine too.
    Keep doing what you’re doing, lady!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tricia @ MissSippipiddlin says:

    I am so impressed you do such a great jobs on your goals! Look how organized too!.
    I love all your blogging goals. I read a lot of blogs you know with our linkup and I can appreciate how much time and effort you are putting in. I see the comments you are making and interacting with others, even when you may not. Others are noticing.
    I feel like I’m just treading water right now in the blogging world. I need to take note from you cause without a plan it is a plan to fail!

    Liked by 1 person

    • fitballingrunningmom says:

      Awww thank you so much Tricia!! That means so much to me!

      I am really enjoying blogging, learning from bloggers like you and connecting with other bloggers.

      I know for me goals and plans are the only way that I can stay focused and accountable.

      You are so right….without a plan it is a plan to fail!


  3. Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says:

    Overall you’ve been doing great! Man, so much to keep track of! Your before and after pics look great – I mean you looked great before too! I’m doing a beach body challenge this month but haven’t taken any pictures yet, ack! And congrats on reaching one year of blogging! I think you’re doing great!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. runawaybridalplanner says:

    Great job on your goals!
    I think your blogging goals are going awesome, and love the “voice” you write in, I’ve always thought if I met you in real life I already know we’d be friends.
    I had a consistant blogging goal myself, but I blew it the past few weeks. But it’s okay I decided not to hold it against myself, LOL
    Awesome job on your fitness goals too! I am glad to hear your PT is going well, I remember you mentioning a while back some problems but I must of missed it was arthritis, I have that in my back, it’s a killer. Hope your PT keeps going well and you can keep on seeing success!

    Good luck on the family goals too! I think it’s awesome you don’t break out the cell phone or laptop until the kids are a sleep! That’s an awesome goals!
    Hope you can get your 2 date nights this month!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. mkadens1 says:

    You are chipping away at those goals,T! I had hoped to have 10 lbs gone by now but I don’t. Now weightloss and tri training don’t really mix but I’m trying. All the best to you with your tri training!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Chocolaterunsjudy says:

    You’ve made great strides towards your goals and 11 new followers is awesome! Finding your blogging tribe is the best part of blogging, although sometimes I wonder if anyone reads my blogs outside of bloggers (and a few friends).

    Liked by 1 person

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